In fact if anything it feels like an open wound. I have no feeling of completion after ME3 at all. If you liked the resolutions Kojima decided to take is a matter of your own beliefs. So yeah, after MGS4 I really felt that all that has to be said has been said. Some people hate jRPG-s (yeah, I know MGS4 is not an RPG but I am talking about story) becouse of this, some love it.
They also like to complicate things a lot. But that is the characteristic that comes with most games developed in Japan and focused on story. Requirements: You must have an excellent reputation value (+1000 points), however you cant have a lot of money with you (less than 50000 RU). 1 Prev Chernobyl NPP Secret Lab - Quests FIRST ENDING - I want the zone to disappear. Yeah, all ending sequences combined were long, with a lot of talking and some lines could be described as straight cheesy. Next Possible endings C-Consciousness - p. But honestly, not many games gave me a feeling of closure such as the one I got after MGS4. I am not going to debate over the direction MGS4 ending (or the entire game as a matter of fact) took becouse I guess that would be a case of a preference.
Hence, still better than ME3's ending.For once I shall disagree with you. MGS4? Really guys? MGS4's nonsencial pants on head verbal diarrhea and excessively stupid ending is mitigated only by the fact that the whole game is so incredibly moronic and so disconnected from the previous stories that it can be isolated and laughed at.